因为“I know”很多时候并不是“我知道”,而是指“你不说我也知道!”,带点傲娇和不耐烦的情绪。一般用于打断对方,比较没有礼貌。例句:"I know, I know," said Ken, grumpily, with...
英文原文: You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows... This is...
5.Iwouldbe(most)gratefulifyoucould...您如果能……,我将不胜感激。 6.Couldyoupossiblyletmeknowwhether...您可以告知是否……吗? 中间段 1.Wouldyoupleaseexplain/clarify...贵方可以解释/阐明……吗? 2.Couldyousendmesomeinformationabout...贵方可以给我寄有关...
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